If you are the Grantor or Owner/Trustee of a Trust Owned Life Insurance (TOLI) policy, chances are that you have not reviewed your trust or the insurance policies owned by the trust on a periodic basis to make sure to make sure that the insurance policy is not at risk. In fact, many policies have not been reviewed since their initial purchase.
Rapidly evolving developments in insurance products and features…changes in your needs, circumstances and size of your estate…changes in tax legislation…and recent volatility in life insurance company strength…all add up to the possibility that your life insurance plan, once thought as secure, could now be inadequate or possibly in jeopardy. Insurance decisions based on out of date illustrations (especially at higher interest rate assumptions than today’s crediting rate) may result in an untimely lapse of your coverage or the requirement of much higher premium contributions. Policies on which you are currently not paying premiums might lapse because of the lower dividend crediting rates.
If you have concerns about how the current market climate, new tax legislation and interest rates affect your policy and trust…and whether there may be newer, better, more cost-efficient solutions…I can help. People are living longer and the mortality tables have changed to reflect this reality. It may be possible to replace existing policies with increased death benefits or lower premiums for the current death benefit. My experience working with insurance advisors can help you understand if your life insurance plan is meeting your current goals and expectations. I know you do not want any surprises.
Fortunately, there is professional expertise, processes and tools available to help you measure and manage policy performance as well as provide you with the documentation needed to demonstrate that the trustee of the TOLI has complied with the required fiduciary obligations. As the first step, I encourage you to contact us and I will help you coordinate a confidential meeting to discuss your situation and any potential problems that may be hidden in your trust owned life insurance.